Emergent Mind


In light of growing attention of intelligent vehicle systems, we propose developing a driver model that uses a hybrid system formulation to capture the intent of the driver. This model hopes to capture human driving behavior in a way that can be utilized by semi- and fully autonomous systems in heterogeneous environments. We consider a discrete set of high level goals or intent modes, that is designed to encompass the decision making process of the human. A driver model is derived using a dataset of lane changes collected in a realistic driving simulator, in which the driver actively labels data to give us insight into her intent. By building the labeled dataset, we are able to utilize classification tools to build the driver model using features of based on her perception of the environment, and achieve high accuracy in identifying driver intent. Multiple algorithms are presented and compared on the dataset, and a comparison of the varying behaviors between drivers is drawn. Using this modeling methodology, we present a model that can be used to assess driver behaviors and to develop human-inspired safety metrics that can be utilized in intelligent vehicular systems.

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