Emergent Mind

Quantifying dynamical spillover in co-evolving multiplex networks

Published May 18, 2015 in physics.soc-ph , cond-mat.dis-nn , and cs.SI


Multiplex networks (a system of multiple networks that have different types of links but share a common set of nodes) arise naturally in a wide spectrum of fields. Theoretical studies show that in such multiplex networks, correlated edge dynamics between the layers can have a profound effect on dynamical processes. However, how to extract the correlations from real-world systems is an outstanding challenge. Here we provide a null model based on Markov chains to quantify correlations in edge dynamics found in longitudinal data of multiplex networks. We use this approach on two different data sets: the network of trade and alliances between nation states, and the email and co-commit networks between developers of open source software. We establish the existence of "dynamical spillover" showing the correlated formation (or deletion) of edges of different types as the system evolves. The details of the dynamics over time provide insight into potential causal pathways.

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