Emergent Mind

An Analysis of Active Learning With Uniform Feature Noise

Published May 15, 2015 in stat.ML , cs.AI , cs.LG , math.ST , and stat.TH


In active learning, the user sequentially chooses values for feature $X$ and an oracle returns the corresponding label $Y$. In this paper, we consider the effect of feature noise in active learning, which could arise either because $X$ itself is being measured, or it is corrupted in transmission to the oracle, or the oracle returns the label of a noisy version of the query point. In statistics, feature noise is known as "errors in variables" and has been studied extensively in non-active settings. However, the effect of feature noise in active learning has not been studied before. We consider the well-known Berkson errors-in-variables model with additive uniform noise of width $\sigma$. Our simple but revealing setting is that of one-dimensional binary classification setting where the goal is to learn a threshold (point where the probability of a $+$ label crosses half). We deal with regression functions that are antisymmetric in a region of size $\sigma$ around the threshold and also satisfy Tsybakov's margin condition around the threshold. We prove minimax lower and upper bounds which demonstrate that when $\sigma$ is smaller than the minimiax active/passive noiseless error derived in \cite{CN07}, then noise has no effect on the rates and one achieves the same noiseless rates. For larger $\sigma$, the \textit{unflattening} of the regression function on convolution with uniform noise, along with its local antisymmetry around the threshold, together yield a behaviour where noise \textit{appears} to be beneficial. Our key result is that active learning can buy significant improvement over a passive strategy even in the presence of feature noise.

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