Emergent Mind

Loop-corrected belief propagation for lattice spin models

Published May 13, 2015 in cond-mat.stat-mech , cond-mat.dis-nn , and cs.CV


Belief propagation (BP) is a message-passing method for solving probabilistic graphical models. It is very successful in treating disordered models (such as spin glasses) on random graphs. On the other hand, finite-dimensional lattice models have an abundant number of short loops, and the BP method is still far from being satisfactory in treating the complicated loop-induced correlations in these systems. Here we propose a loop-corrected BP method to take into account the effect of short loops in lattice spin models. We demonstrate, through an application to the square-lattice Ising model, that loop-corrected BP improves over the naive BP method significantly. We also implement loop-corrected BP at the coarse-grained region graph level to further boost its performance.

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