Emergent Mind

Bounded-Distortion Metric Learning

Published May 10, 2015 in cs.LG


Metric learning aims to embed one metric space into another to benefit tasks like classification and clustering. Although a greatly distorted metric space has a high degree of freedom to fit training data, it is prone to overfitting and numerical inaccuracy. This paper presents {\it bounded-distortion metric learning} (BDML), a new metric learning framework which amounts to finding an optimal Mahalanobis metric space with a bounded-distortion constraint. An efficient solver based on the multiplicative weights update method is proposed. Moreover, we generalize BDML to pseudo-metric learning and devise the semidefinite relaxation and a randomized algorithm to approximately solve it. We further provide theoretical analysis to show that distortion is a key ingredient for stability and generalization ability of our BDML algorithm. Extensive experiments on several benchmark datasets yield promising results.

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