Emergent Mind

Improved Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic Matching

Published May 6, 2015 in cs.DS


In this paper we consider the Stochastic Matching problem, which is motivated by applications in kidney exchange and online dating. We are given an undirected graph in which every edge is assigned a probability of existence and a positive profit, and each node is assigned a positive integer called timeout. We know whether an edge exists or not only after probing it. On this random graph we are executing a process, which one-by-one probes the edges and gradually constructs a matching. The process is constrained in two ways: once an edge is taken it cannot be removed from the matching, and the timeout of node $v$ upper-bounds the number of edges incident to $v$ that can be probed. The goal is to maximize the expected profit of the constructed matching. For this problem Bansal et al. (Algorithmica 2012) provided a $3$-approximation algorithm for bipartite graphs, and a $4$-approximation for general graphs. In this work we improve the approximation factors to $2.845$ and $3.709$, respectively. We also consider an online version of the bipartite case, where one side of the partition arrives node by node, and each time a node $b$ arrives we have to decide which edges incident to $b$ we want to probe, and in which order. Here we present a $4.07$-approximation, improving on the $7.92$-approximation of Bansal et al. The main technical ingredient in our result is a novel way of probing edges according to a random but non-uniform permutation. Patching this method with an algorithm that works best for large probability edges (plus some additional ideas) leads to our improved approximation factors.

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