Emergent Mind

Social Learning with Endogenous Network Formation

Published Apr 20, 2015 in cs.SI


I study the problem of social learning in a model where agents move sequentially. Each agent receives a private signal about the underlying state of the world, observes the past actions in a neighborhood of individuals, and chooses her action attempting to match the true state. Earlier research in this field emphasizes that herding behavior occurs with a positive probability in certain special cases; recent studies show that asymptotic learning is achievable under a more general observation structure. In particular, with unbounded private beliefs, asymptotic learning occurs if and only if agents observe a close predecessor, i.e., the action of a close predecessor reveals the true state in the limit. However, a prevailing assumption in these studies is that the observation structure in the society is exogenous. In contrast to most of the previous literature, I assume in this paper that observation is endogenous and costly. More specifically, each agent must pay a specific cost to make any observation and can strategically choose the set of actions to observe privately. I introduce the notion of maximal learning (relative to cost) as a natural extension of asymptotic learning: society achieves maximal learning when agents can learn the true state with probability 1 in the limit after paying the cost of observation. I show that observing only a close predecessor is no longer sufficient for learning the true state with unbounded private beliefs and positive costs. Instead, maximal learning occurs if and only if the size of the observations extends to infinity. I provide interesting comparative statics as to how various settings in the model affect the learning probability. For instance, the probability to learn the true state may be higher under positive costs than under zero cost; in addition, the probability to learn the true state may be higher under weaker private signals.

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