Emergent Mind

Multi-Sequential Word Relations

Published Apr 15, 2015 in cs.FL


Rational relations are binary relations of finite words that are realised by non-deterministic finite state transducers (NFT). A particular kind of rational relations is the sequential functions. Sequential functions are the functions that can be realised by input-deterministic transducers. Some rational functions are not sequential. However, based on a property on transducers called the twinning property, it is decidable in PTime whether a rational function given by an NFT is sequential. In this paper, we investigate the generalisation of this result to multi-sequential relations, i.e. relations that are equal to a finite union of sequential functions. We show that given an NFT, it is decidable in PTime whether the relation it defines is multi-sequential, based on a property called the weak twinning property. If the weak twinning property is satisfied, we give a procedure that effectively constructs a finite set of input-deterministic transducers whose union defines the relation. This procedure generalises to arbitrary NFT the determinisation procedure of functional NFT.

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