Emergent Mind

A Variance Reduced Stochastic Newton Method

Published Mar 28, 2015 in cs.LG


Quasi-Newton methods are widely used in practise for convex loss minimization problems. These methods exhibit good empirical performance on a wide variety of tasks and enjoy super-linear convergence to the optimal solution. For large-scale learning problems, stochastic Quasi-Newton methods have been recently proposed. However, these typically only achieve sub-linear convergence rates and have not been shown to consistently perform well in practice since noisy Hessian approximations can exacerbate the effect of high-variance stochastic gradient estimates. In this work we propose Vite, a novel stochastic Quasi-Newton algorithm that uses an existing first-order technique to reduce this variance. Without exploiting the specific form of the approximate Hessian, we show that Vite reaches the optimum at a geometric rate with a constant step-size when dealing with smooth strongly convex functions. Empirically, we demonstrate improvements over existing stochastic Quasi-Newton and variance reduced stochastic gradient methods.

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