Emergent Mind

Computing the partition function of a polynomial on the Boolean cube

Published Mar 25, 2015 in cs.DS , math.CO , and math.OC


For a polynomial f: {-1, 1}n --> C, we define the partition function as the average of e{lambda f(x)} over all points x in {-1, 1}n, where lambda in C is a parameter. We present a quasi-polynomial algorithm, which, given such f, lambda and epsilon >0 approximates the partition function within a relative error of epsilon in N{O(ln n -ln epsilon)} time provided |lambda| < 1/(2 L sqrt{deg f}), where L=L(f) is a parameter bounding the Lipschitz constant of f from above and N is the number of monomials in f. As a corollary, we obtain a quasi-polynomial algorithm, which, given such an f with coefficients +1 and -1 and such that every variable enters not more than 4 monomials, approximates the maximum of f on {-1, 1}n within a factor of O(sqrt{deg f}/delta), provided the maximum is N delta for some 0< delta <1. If every variable enters not more than k monomials for some fixed k > 4, we are able to establish a similar result when delta > (k-1)/k.

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