Emergent Mind

Complex Networks, Communities and Clustering: A survey

Published Mar 21, 2015 in cs.SI


This paper is an extensive survey of literature on complex network communities and clustering. Complex networks describe a widespread variety of systems in nature and society especially systems composed by a large number of highly interconnected dynamical entities. Complex networks like real networks can also have community structure. There are several types of methods and algorithms for detection and identification of communities in complex networks. Several complex networks have the property of clustering or network transitivity. Some of the important concepts in the field of complex networks are small-world and scale-robustness, degree distributions, clustering, network correlations, random graph models, models of network growth, dynamical processes on networks, etc. Some current areas of research on complex network communities are those on community evolution, overlapping communities, communities in directed networks, community characterization and interpretation, etc. Many of the algorithms or methods proposed for network community detection through clustering are modified versions of or inspired from the concepts of minimum-cut based algorithms, hierarchical connectivity based algorithms, the original GirvanNewman algorithm, concepts of modularity maximization, algorithms utilizing metrics from information and coding theory, and clique based algorithms.

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