Emergent Mind

The complexity of dominating set reconfiguration

Published Mar 3, 2015 in cs.DM and cs.DS


Suppose that we are given two dominating sets $Ds$ and $Dt$ of a graph $G$ whose cardinalities are at most a given threshold $k$. Then, we are asked whether there exists a sequence of dominating sets of $G$ between $Ds$ and $Dt$ such that each dominating set in the sequence is of cardinality at most $k$ and can be obtained from the previous one by either adding or deleting exactly one vertex. This problem is known to be PSPACE-complete in general. In this paper, we study the complexity of this decision problem from the viewpoint of graph classes. We first prove that the problem remains PSPACE-complete even for planar graphs, bounded bandwidth graphs, split graphs, and bipartite graphs. We then give a general scheme to construct linear-time algorithms and show that the problem can be solved in linear time for cographs, trees, and interval graphs. Furthermore, for these tractable cases, we can obtain a desired sequence such that the number of additions and deletions is bounded by $O(n)$, where $n$ is the number of vertices in the input graph.

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