Emergent Mind

Towards Constructing Ramanujan Graphs Using Shift Lifts

Published Feb 26, 2015 in math.CO and cs.CC


In a breakthrough work, Marcus-Spielman-Srivastava recently showed that every $d$-regular bipartite Ramanujan graph has a 2-lift that is also $d$-regular bipartite Ramanujan. As a consequence, a straightforward iterative brute-force search algorithm leads to the construction of a $d$-regular bipartite Ramanujan graph on $N$ vertices in time $2{O(dN)}$. Shift $k$-lifts studied by Agarwal-Kolla-Madan lead to a natural approach for constructing Ramanujan graphs more efficiently. The number of possible shift $k$-lifts of a $d$-regular $n$-vertex graph is $k{nd/2}$. Suppose the following holds for $k=2{\Omega(n)}$: There exists a shift $k$-lift that maintains the Ramanujan property of $d$-regular bipartite graphs on $n$ vertices for all $n$. () Then, by performing a similar brute-force search algorithm, one would be able to construct an $N$-vertex bipartite Ramanujan graph in time $2{O(d\,log2 N)}$. Furthermore, if () holds for all $k \geq 2$, then one would obtain an algorithm that runs in $\mathrm{poly}_d(N)$ time. In this work, we take a first step towards proving (*) by showing the existence of shift $k$-lifts that preserve the Ramanujan property in $d$-regular bipartite graphs for $k=3,4$.

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