Emergent Mind

From Pixels to Torques: Policy Learning with Deep Dynamical Models

Published Feb 8, 2015 in stat.ML , cs.LG , cs.RO , and cs.SY


Data-efficient learning in continuous state-action spaces using very high-dimensional observations remains a key challenge in developing fully autonomous systems. In this paper, we consider one instance of this challenge, the pixels to torques problem, where an agent must learn a closed-loop control policy from pixel information only. We introduce a data-efficient, model-based reinforcement learning algorithm that learns such a closed-loop policy directly from pixel information. The key ingredient is a deep dynamical model that uses deep auto-encoders to learn a low-dimensional embedding of images jointly with a predictive model in this low-dimensional feature space. Joint learning ensures that not only static but also dynamic properties of the data are accounted for. This is crucial for long-term predictions, which lie at the core of the adaptive model predictive control strategy that we use for closed-loop control. Compared to state-of-the-art reinforcement learning methods for continuous states and actions, our approach learns quickly, scales to high-dimensional state spaces and is an important step toward fully autonomous learning from pixels to torques.

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