Emergent Mind

A curious gap in one-dimensional geometric random graphs between connectivity and the absence of isolated node

Published Feb 2, 2015 in physics.soc-ph , cs.DM , cs.SI , math.CO , and math.PR


One-dimensional geometric random graphs are constructed by distributing $n$ nodes uniformly and independently on a unit interval and then assigning an undirected edge between any two nodes that have a distance at most $rn$. These graphs have received much interest and been used in various applications including wireless networks. A threshold of $rn$ for connectivity is known as $rn{*} = \frac{\ln n}{n}$ in the literature. In this paper, we prove that a threshold of $rn$ for the absence of isolated node is $\frac{\ln n}{2 n}$ (i.e., a half of the threshold $rn{*}$). Our result shows there is a curious gap between thresholds of connectivity and the absence of isolated node in one-dimensional geometric random graphs; in particular, when $rn$ equals $\frac{c\ln n}{ n}$ for a constant $c \in( \frac{1}{2}, 1)$, a one-dimensional geometric random graph has no isolated node but is not connected. This curious gap in one-dimensional geometric random graphs is in sharp contrast to the prevalent phenomenon in many other random graphs such as two-dimensional geometric random graphs, Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi graphs, and random intersection graphs, all of which in the asymptotic sense become connected as soon as there is no isolated node.

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