Emergent Mind

Counting Homomorphisms to Square-Free Graphs, Modulo 2

Published Jan 29, 2015 in cs.CC and math.CO


We study the problem HomsTo$H$ of counting, modulo 2, the homomorphisms from an input graph to a fixed undirected graph $H$. A characteristic feature of modular counting is that cancellations make wider classes of instances tractable than is the case for exact (non-modular) counting, so subtle dichotomy theorems can arise. We show the following dichotomy: for any $H$ that contains no 4-cycles, HomsTo$H$ is either in polynomial time or is $\oplus P$-complete. This confirms a conjecture of Faben and Jerrum that was previously only known to hold for trees and for a restricted class of treewidth-2 graphs called cactus graphs. We confirm the conjecture for a rich class of graphs including graphs of unbounded treewidth. In particular, we focus on square-free graphs, which are graphs without 4-cycles. These graphs arise frequently in combinatorics, for example in connection with the strong perfect graph theorem and in certain graph algorithms. Previous dichotomy theorems required the graph to be tree-like so that tree-like decompositions could be exploited in the proof. We prove the conjecture for a much richer class of graphs by adopting a much more general approach.

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