Emergent Mind

Compressed Support Vector Machines

Published Jan 26, 2015 in cs.LG


Support vector machines (SVM) can classify data sets along highly non-linear decision boundaries because of the kernel-trick. This expressiveness comes at a price: During test-time, the SVM classifier needs to compute the kernel inner-product between a test sample and all support vectors. With large training data sets, the time required for this computation can be substantial. In this paper, we introduce a post-processing algorithm, which compresses the learned SVM model by reducing and optimizing support vectors. We evaluate our algorithm on several medium-scaled real-world data sets, demonstrating that it maintains high test accuracy while reducing the test-time evaluation cost by several orders of magnitudein some cases from hours to seconds. It is fair to say that most of the work in this paper was previously been invented by Burges and Sch\"olkopf almost 20 years ago. For most of the time during which we conducted this research, we were unaware of this prior work. However, in the past two decades, computing power has increased drastically, and we can therefore provide empirical insights that were not possible in their original paper.

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