Emergent Mind

Identifiability and optimal rates of convergence for parameters of multiple types in finite mixtures

Published Jan 11, 2015 in math.ST , stat.ML , and stat.TH


This paper studies identifiability and convergence behaviors for parameters of multiple types in finite mixtures, and the effects of model fitting with extra mixing components. First, we present a general theory for strong identifiability, which extends from the previous work of Nguyen [2013] and Chen [1995] to address a broad range of mixture models and to handle matrix-variate parameters. These models are shown to share the same Wasserstein distance based optimal rates of convergence for the space of mixing distributions $n{-1/2}$ under $W1$ for the exact-fitted and $n{-1/4}$ under $W2$ for the over-fitted setting, where $n$ is the sample size. This theory, however, is not applicable to several important model classes, including location-scale multivariate Gaussian mixtures, shape-scale Gamma mixtures and location-scale-shape skew-normal mixtures. The second part of this work is devoted to demonstrating that for these "weakly identifiable" classes, algebraic structures of the density family play a fundamental role in determining convergence rates of the model parameters, which display a very rich spectrum of behaviors. For instance, the optimal rate of parameter estimation in an over-fitted location-covariance Gaussian mixture is precisely determined by the order of a solvable system of polynomial equations these rates deteriorate rapidly as more extra components are added to the model. The established rates for a variety of settings are illustrated by a simulation study.

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