Emergent Mind

KitRobot: A multi-platform graphical programming IDE to program mini-robotic agents

Published Jan 7, 2015 in cs.PL , cs.HC , and cs.RO


The analysis, design and development of a graphical programming IDE for mini-robotic agents allows novice users to program robotic agents by a graphical drag and drop interface, without knowing the syntax and semantics of the intermediate programming language. Our work started with the definition of the syntax and semantics of the intermediate programming language. The major work is the definition of grammar for this language. The use of a graphical drag and drop interface for programming mini-robots offers a user-friendly interface to novice users. The user can program graphically by drag and drop program parts without having expertise of the intermediate programming language. The IDE is highly flexible as it uses xml technology to store program objects (i.e. loops, conditions) and robot objects (i.e. sensors, actuators). Use of xml technology allows making major changes and updating the interface without modifying the underlying design and programming.

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