Emergent Mind


This paper presents an analysis of the architectural design of two distributed open source systems (OSS) developed in Java: Distributed Modular Audio Recognition Framework (DMARF) and General Intensional Programming System (GIPSY). The research starts with a background study of these frameworks to determine their overall architectures. Afterwards, we identify the actors and stakeholders and draft a domain model for each framework. Next, we evaluated and proposed a fused DMARF over GIPSY Run-time Architecture (DoGRTA) as a domain concept. Later on, the team extracted and studied the actual class diagrams and determined classes of interest. Next, we identified design patterns that were present within the code of each framework. Finally, code smells in the source code were detected using popular tools and a selected number of those identified smells were refactored using established techniques and implemented in the final source code. Tests were written and ran prior and after the refactoring to check for any behavioral changes.

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