Emergent Mind


In this paper, we propose a novel fragile block based medical image watermarking technique for embedding data of patient into medical image, verifying the integrity of ROI (Region of Interest), detecting the tampered blocks inside ROI and recovering original ROI with less size authentication and recovery data and with simple mathematical calculations. In the proposed method, the medical image is divided into three regions called ROI, RONI (Region of Non Interest) and border pixels. Later, authentication data of ROI and Electronic Patient Record (EPR) are compressed using Run Length Encoding (RLE) technique and then embedded into ROI. Recovery information of ROI is embedded inside RONI and information of ROI is embedded inside border pixels. Results of experiments conducted on several medical images reveal that proposed method produces high quality watermarked medical images, identifies tampered areas inside ROI of watermarked medical images and recovers the original ROI.

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