Emergent Mind

Longest Common Extensions in Trees

Published Dec 3, 2014 in cs.DS


The longest common extension (LCE) of two indices in a string is the length of the longest identical substrings starting at these two indices. The LCE problem asks to preprocess a string into a compact data structure that supports fast LCE queries. In this paper we generalize the LCE problem to trees and suggest a few applications of LCE in trees to tries and XML databases. Given a labeled and rooted tree $T$ of size $n$, the goal is to preprocess $T$ into a compact data structure that support the following LCE queries between subpaths and subtrees in $T$. Let $v1$, $v2$, $w1$, and $w2$ be nodes of $T$ such that $w1$ and $w2$ are descendants of $v1$ and $v2$ respectively. \begin{itemize} \item $\LCEPP(v1, w1, v2, w2)$: (path-path $\LCE$) return the longest common prefix of the paths $v1 \leadsto w1$ and $v2 \leadsto w2$. \item $\LCEPT(v1, w1, v2)$: (path-tree $\LCE$) return maximal path-path LCE of the path $v1 \leadsto w1$ and any path from $v2$ to a descendant leaf. \item $\LCETT(v1, v2)$: (tree-tree $\LCE$) return a maximal path-path LCE of any pair of paths from $v1$ and $v2$ to descendant leaves. \end{itemize} We present the first non-trivial bounds for supporting these queries. For $\LCEPP$ queries, we present a linear-space solution with $O(\log{*} n)$ query time. For $\LCEPT$ queries, we present a linear-space solution with $O((\log\log n){2})$ query time, and complement this with a lower bound showing that any path-tree LCE structure of size $O(n \polylog(n))$ must necessarily use $\Omega(\log\log n)$ time to answer queries. For $\LCETT$ queries, we present a time-space trade-off, that given any parameter $\tau$, $1 \leq \tau \leq n$, leads to an $O(n\tau)$ space and $O(n/\tau)$ query-time solution. This is complemented with a reduction to the the set intersection problem implying that a fast linear space solution is not likely to exist.

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