Emergent Mind

3D Hand Pose Detection in Egocentric RGB-D Images

Published Nov 29, 2014 in cs.CV


We focus on the task of everyday hand pose estimation from egocentric viewpoints. For this task, we show that depth sensors are particularly informative for extracting near-field interactions of the camera wearer with his/her environment. Despite the recent advances in full-body pose estimation using Kinect-like sensors, reliable monocular hand pose estimation in RGB-D images is still an unsolved problem. The problem is considerably exacerbated when analyzing hands performing daily activities from a first-person viewpoint, due to severe occlusions arising from object manipulations and a limited field-of-view. Our system addresses these difficulties by exploiting strong priors over viewpoint and pose in a discriminative tracking-by-detection framework. Our priors are operationalized through a photorealistic synthetic model of egocentric scenes, which is used to generate training data for learning depth-based pose classifiers. We evaluate our approach on an annotated dataset of real egocentric object manipulation scenes and compare to both commercial and academic approaches. Our method provides state-of-the-art performance for both hand detection and pose estimation in egocentric RGB-D images.

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