Emergent Mind

Guaranteed Matrix Completion via Non-convex Factorization

Published Nov 28, 2014 in cs.LG


Matrix factorization is a popular approach for large-scale matrix completion. The optimization formulation based on matrix factorization can be solved very efficiently by standard algorithms in practice. However, due to the non-convexity caused by the factorization model, there is a limited theoretical understanding of this formulation. In this paper, we establish a theoretical guarantee for the factorization formulation to correctly recover the underlying low-rank matrix. In particular, we show that under similar conditions to those in previous works, many standard optimization algorithms converge to the global optima of a factorization formulation, and recover the true low-rank matrix. We study the local geometry of a properly regularized factorization formulation and prove that any stationary point in a certain local region is globally optimal. A major difference of our work from the existing results is that we do not need resampling in either the algorithm or its analysis. Compared to other works on nonconvex optimization, one extra difficulty lies in analyzing nonconvex constrained optimization when the constraint (or the corresponding regularizer) is not "consistent" with the gradient direction. One technical contribution is the perturbation analysis for non-symmetric matrix factorization.

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