Emergent Mind


When the design matrix has orthonormal columns, "soft thresholding" the ordinary least squares (OLS) solution produces the Lasso solution [Tibshirani, 1996]. If one uses the Puffer preconditioned Lasso [Jia and Rohe, 2012], then this result generalizes from orthonormal designs to full rank designs (Theorem 1). Theorem 2 refines the Puffer preconditioner to make the Lasso select the same model as removing the elements of the OLS solution with the largest p-values. Using a generalized Puffer preconditioner, Theorem 3 relates ridge regression to the preconditioned Lasso; this result is for the high dimensional setting, p > n. Where the standard Lasso is akin to forward selection [Efron et al., 2004], Theorems 1, 2, and 3 suggest that the preconditioned Lasso is more akin to backward elimination. These results hold for sparse penalties beyond l1; for a broad class of sparse and non-convex techniques (e.g. SCAD and MC+), the results hold for all local minima.

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