Emergent Mind

Efficiently listing bounded length st-paths

Published Nov 25, 2014 in cs.DS


The problem of listing the $K$ shortest simple (loopless) $st$-paths in a graph has been studied since the early 1960s. For a non-negatively weighted graph with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges, the most efficient solution is an $O(K(mn + n2 \log n))$ algorithm for directed graphs by Yen and Lawler [Management Science, 1971 and 1972], and an $O(K(m+n \log n))$ algorithm for the undirected version by Katoh et al. [Networks, 1982], both using $O(Kn + m)$ space. In this work, we consider a different parameterization for this problem: instead of bounding the number of $st$-paths output, we bound their length. For the bounded length parameterization, we propose new non-trivial algorithms matching the time complexity of the classic algorithms but using only $O(m+n)$ space. Moreover, we provide a unified framework such that the solutions to both parameterizations -- the classic $K$-shortest and the new length-bounded paths -- can be seen as two different traversals of a same tree, a Dijkstra-like and a DFS-like traversal, respectively.

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