Emergent Mind

Discretization of Planar Geometric Cover Problems

Published Nov 25, 2014 in cs.CG and cs.DM


We consider discretization of the 'geometric cover problem' in the plane: Given a set $P$ of $n$ points in the plane and a compact planar object $T0$, find a minimum cardinality collection of planar translates of $T0$ such that the union of the translates in the collection contains all the points in $P$. We show that the geometric cover problem can be converted to a form of the geometric set cover, which has a given finite-size collection of translates rather than the infinite continuous solution space of the former. We propose a reduced finite solution space that consists of distinct canonical translates and present polynomial algorithms to find the reduce solution space for disks, convex/non-convex polygons (including holes), and planar objects consisting of finite Jordan curves.

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