Emergent Mind

Testing for high-dimensional geometry in random graphs

Published Nov 20, 2014 in math.ST , cs.SI , math.PR , and stat.TH


We study the problem of detecting the presence of an underlying high-dimensional geometric structure in a random graph. Under the null hypothesis, the observed graph is a realization of an Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph $G(n,p)$. Under the alternative, the graph is generated from the $G(n,p,d)$ model, where each vertex corresponds to a latent independent random vector uniformly distributed on the sphere $\mathbb{S}{d-1}$, and two vertices are connected if the corresponding latent vectors are close enough. In the dense regime (i.e., $p$ is a constant), we propose a near-optimal and computationally efficient testing procedure based on a new quantity which we call signed triangles. The proof of the detection lower bound is based on a new bound on the total variation distance between a Wishart matrix and an appropriately normalized GOE matrix. In the sparse regime, we make a conjecture for the optimal detection boundary. We conclude the paper with some preliminary steps on the problem of estimating the dimension in $G(n,p,d)$.

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