Emergent Mind

Kernelization and Sparseness: the case of Dominating Set

Published Nov 17, 2014 in cs.DS


We prove that for every positive integer $r$ and for every graph class $\mathcal G$ of bounded expansion, the $r$-Dominating Set problem admits a linear kernel on graphs from $\mathcal G$. Moreover, when $\mathcal G$ is only assumed to be nowhere dense, then we give an almost linear kernel on $\mathcal G$ for the classic Dominating Set problem, i.e., for the case $r=1$. These results generalize a line of previous research on finding linear kernels for Dominating Set and $r$-Dominating Set. However, the approach taken in this work, which is based on the theory of sparse graphs, is radically different and conceptually much simpler than the previous approaches. We complement our findings by showing that for the closely related Connected Dominating Set problem, the existence of such kernelization algorithms is unlikely, even though the problem is known to admit a linear kernel on $H$-topological-minor-free graphs. Also, we prove that for any somewhere dense class $\mathcal G$, there is some $r$ for which $r$-Dominating Set is W[$2$]-hard on $\mathcal G$. Thus, our results fall short of proving a sharp dichotomy for the parameterized complexity of $r$-Dominating Set on subgraph-monotone graph classes: we conjecture that the border of tractability lies exactly between nowhere dense and somewhere dense graph classes.

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