Emergent Mind

Deep Deconvolutional Networks for Scene Parsing

Published Nov 15, 2014 in stat.ML , cs.CV , and cs.LG


Scene parsing is an important and challenging prob- lem in computer vision. It requires labeling each pixel in an image with the category it belongs to. Tradition- ally, it has been approached with hand-engineered features from color information in images. Recently convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which automatically learn hierar- chies of features, have achieved record performance on the task. These approaches typically include a post-processing technique, such as superpixels, to produce the final label- ing. In this paper, we propose a novel network architecture that combines deep deconvolutional neural networks with CNNs. Our experiments show that deconvolutional neu- ral networks are capable of learning higher order image structure beyond edge primitives in comparison to CNNs. The new network architecture is employed for multi-patch training, introduced as part of this work. Multi-patch train- ing makes it possible to effectively learn spatial priors from scenes. The proposed approach yields state-of-the-art per- formance on four scene parsing datasets, namely Stanford Background, SIFT Flow, CamVid, and KITTI. In addition, our system has the added advantage of having a training system that can be completely automated end-to-end with- out requiring any post-processing.

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