Emergent Mind


The pressing demands of improving energy efficiency for high performance scientific computing have motivated a large body of software-controlled hard- ware solutions using Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) that strategically switch processors to low-power states, when the peak processor performance is not necessary. Although OS level solutions have demonstrated the effectiveness of saving energy in a black-box fashion, for applications with variable execution characteristics, the optimal energy efficiency can be blundered away due to defective prediction mechanism and untapped load imbalance. In this paper, we propose TX, a library level race-to-halt DVFS scheduling approach that analyzes Task Dependency Set of each task in parallel Cholesky, LU, and QR factorizations to achieve substantial energy savings OS level solutions cannot fulfill. Partially giving up the generality of OS level solutions per requiring library level source modification, TX lever- ages algorithmic characteristics of the applications to gain greater energy savings. Experimental results on two power-aware clusters indicate that TX can save up to 17.8% more energy than state-of-the-art OS level solutions with negligible 3.5% on average performance loss.

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