Emergent Mind

Generating S-Boxes from Semi-fields Pseudo-extensions

Published Nov 10, 2014 in cs.CR


Specific vectorial boolean functions, such as S-Boxes or APN functions have many applications, for instance in symmetric ciphers. In cryptography they must satisfy some criteria (balancedness, high nonlinearity, high algebraic degree, avalanche, or transparency) to provide best possible resistance against attacks. Functions satisfying most criteria are however difficult to find. Indeed, random generation does not work and the S-Boxes used in the AES or Camellia ciphers are actually variations around a single function, the inverse function in F2n. Would the latter function have an unforeseen weakness (for instance if more practical algebraic attacks are developped), it would be desirable to have some replacement candidates. For that matter, we propose to weaken a little bit the algebraic part of the design of S-Boxes and use finite semifields instead of finite fields to build such S-Boxes. Since it is not even known how many semifields there are of order 256, we propose to build S-Boxes and APN functions via semifields pseudo-extensions of the form S{24}2, where S_{24} is any semifield of order 16 . Then, we mimic in this structure the use of functions applied on a finite fields, such as the inverse or the cube. We report here the construction of 12781 non equivalent S-Boxes with with maximal nonlinearity, differential invariants, degrees and bit interdependency, and 2684 APN functions.

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