Emergent Mind

Approximate k-flat Nearest Neighbor Search

Published Nov 6, 2014 in cs.CG and cs.DS


Let $k$ be a nonnegative integer. In the approximate $k$-flat nearest neighbor ($k$-ANN) problem, we are given a set $P \subset \mathbb{R}d$ of $n$ points in $d$-dimensional space and a fixed approximation factor $c > 1$. Our goal is to preprocess $P$ so that we can efficiently answer approximate $k$-flat nearest neighbor queries: given a $k$-flat $F$, find a point in $P$ whose distance to $F$ is within a factor $c$ of the distance between $F$ and the closest point in $P$. The case $k = 0$ corresponds to the well-studied approximate nearest neighbor problem, for which a plethora of results are known, both in low and high dimensions. The case $k = 1$ is called approximate line nearest neighbor. In this case, we are aware of only one provably efficient data structure, due to Andoni, Indyk, Krauthgamer, and Nguyen. For $k \geq 2$, we know of no previous results. We present the first efficient data structure that can handle approximate nearest neighbor queries for arbitrary $k$. We use a data structure for $0$-ANN-queries as a black box, and the performance depends on the parameters of the $0$-ANN solution: suppose we have an $0$-ANN structure with query time $O(n{\rho})$ and space requirement $O(n{1+\sigma})$, for $\rho, \sigma > 0$. Then we can answer $k$-ANN queries in time $O(n{k/(k + 1 - \rho) + t})$ and space $O(n{1+\sigma k/(k + 1 - \rho)} + n\log{O(1/t)} n)$. Here, $t > 0$ is an arbitrary constant and the $O$-notation hides exponential factors in $k$, $1/t$, and $c$ and polynomials in $d$. Our new data structures also give an improvement in the space requirement over the previous result for $1$-ANN: we can achieve near-linear space and sublinear query time, a further step towards practical applications where space constitutes the bottleneck.

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