Emergent Mind


In this short note we give an example of a four-person finite positional game with perfect information that has no positions of chance and no Nash equilibria in pure stationary strategies. The corresponding directed graph has only one directed cycle and only five terminal positions. It remains open: (i) if the number $n$ of the players can be reduced from $4$ to $3$, (ii) if the number $p$ of the terminals can be reduced from $5$ to $4$, and most important, (iii) whether it is possible to get a similar example in which the outcome $c$ corresponding to all (possibly, more than one) directed cycles is worse than every terminal for each player. Yet, it is known that (j) $n$ cannot be reduced to $2$, (jj) $p$ cannot be reduced to $3$, and (jjj) there can be no similar example in which each player makes a decision in a unique position. Keywords: stochastic, positional, chess-like, transition-free games with perfect information and without moves of chance; Nash equilibrium, directed cycles (dicycles), terminal position.

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