Emergent Mind

On Kernelization and Approximation for the Vector Connectivity Problem

Published Oct 31, 2014 in cs.CC and cs.DM


In the Vector Connectivity problem we are given an undirected graph $G=(V,E)$, a demand function $\phi\colon V\to{0,\ldots,d}$, and an integer $k$. The question is whether there exists a set $S$ of at most $k$ vertices such that every vertex $v\in V\setminus S$ has at least $\phi(v)$ vertex-disjoint paths to $S$; this abstractly captures questions about placing servers or warehouses relative to demands. The problem is \NP-hard already for instances with $d=4$ (Cicalese et al., arXiv '14), admits a log-factor approximation (Boros et al., Networks '14), and is fixed-parameter tractable in terms of~$k$ (Lokshtanov, unpublished '14). We prove several results regarding kernelization and approximation for Vector Connectivity and the variant Vector $d$-Connectivity where the upper bound $d$ on demands is a fixed constant. For Vector $d$-Connectivity we give a factor $d$-approximation algorithm and construct a vertex-linear kernelization, i.e., an efficient reduction to an equivalent instance with $f(d)k=O(k)$ vertices. For Vector Connectivity we have a factor $\text{opt}$-approximation and we can show that it has no kernelization to size polynomial in $k$ or even $k+d$ unless $\mathsf{NP\subseteq coNP/poly}$, making $f(d)\operatorname{poly}(k)$ optimal for Vector $d$-Connectivity. Finally, we provide a write-up for fixed-parameter tractability of Vector Connectivity($k$) by giving an alternative FPT algorithm based on matroid intersection.

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