Emergent Mind

Latent Feature Based FM Model For Rating Prediction

Published Oct 29, 2014 in cs.LG , cs.IR , and stat.ML


Rating Prediction is a basic problem in Recommender System, and one of the most widely used method is Factorization Machines(FM). However, traditional matrix factorization methods fail to utilize the benefit of implicit feedback, which has been proved to be important in Rating Prediction problem. In this work, we consider a specific situation, movie rating prediction, where we assume that watching history has a big influence on his/her rating behavior on an item. We introduce two models, Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA) and word2vec, both of which perform state-of-the-art results in training latent features. Based on that, we propose two feature based models. One is the Topic-based FM Model which provides the implicit feedback to the matrix factorization. The other is the Vector-based FM Model which expresses the order info of watching history. Empirical results on three datasets demonstrate that our method performs better than the baseline model and confirm that Vector-based FM Model usually works better as it contains the order info.

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