Emergent Mind

Fisher-Yates Chaotic Shuffling Based Image Encryption

Published Oct 28, 2014 in cs.CR and cs.MM


In Present era, information security is of utmost concern and encryption is one of the alternatives to ensure security. Chaos based cryptography has brought a secure and efficient way to meet the challenges of secure multimedia transmission over the networks. In this paper, we have proposed a secure Grayscale image encryption methodology in wavelet domain. The proposed algorithm performs shuffling followed by encryption using states of chaotic map in a secure manner. Firstly, the image is transformed from spatial domain to wavelet domain by the Haar wavelet. Subsequently, Fisher Yates chaotic shuffling technique is employed to shuffle the image in wavelet domain to confuse the relationship between plain image and cipher image. A key dependent piece-wise linear chaotic map is used to generate chaos for the chaotic shuffling. Further, the resultant shuffled approximate coefficients are chaotically modulated. To enhance the statistical characteristics from cryptographic point of view, the shuffled image is self keyed diffused and mixing operation is carried out using keystream extracted from one-dimensional chaotic map and the plain-image. The proposed algorithm is tested over some standard image dataset. The results of several experimental, statistical and sensitivity analyses proved that the algorithm provides an efficient and secure method to achieve trusted gray scale image encryption.

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