Emergent Mind

The clique problem on inductive $k$-independent graphs

Published Oct 13, 2014 in cs.DM


A graph is inductive $k$-independent if there exists and ordering of its vertices $v{1},...,v{n}$ such that $\alpha(G[N(v{i})\cap V{i}])\leq k $ where $N(v{i})$ is the neighborhood of $v{i}$, $V{i}={v{i},...,v{n}}$ and $\alpha$ is the independence number. In this article, by answering to a question of [Y.Ye, A.Borodin, Elimination graphs, ACM Trans. Algorithms 8 (2) (2012) 14:1-14:23], we design a polynomial time approximation algorithm with ratio {$\overline{\Delta} \slash log(log(\overline{ \Delta}) \slash k)$ for the maximum clique and also show that the decision version of this problem is fixed parameter tractable for this particular family of graphs with complexity $O(1.2127{(p+k-1){k}}n)$. Then we study a subclass of inductive $k$-independent graphs, namely $k$-degenerate graphs. A graph is $k$-degenerate if there exists an ordering of its vertices $v{1},...,v{n}$ such that $|N(v{i})\cap V_{i}|\leq k $. Our contribution is an algorithm computing a maximum clique for this class of graphs in time $O(1.2127{k}(n-k+1))$, thus improving previous best results. We also prove some structural properties for inductive $k$-independent graphs.

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