Emergent Mind

On Ideal Lattices, Gröbner Bases and Generalized Hash Functions

Published Oct 8, 2014 in cs.SC and cs.CR


In this paper, we draw connections between ideal lattices and multivariate polynomial rings over integers using Gr\"obner bases. Ideal lattices are ideals in the residue class ring, $\mathbb{Z}[x]/\langle f \rangle$ (here $f$ is a monic polynomial), and cryptographic primitives have been built based on these objects. As ideal lattices in the univariate case are generalizations of cyclic lattices, we introduce the notion of multivariate cyclic lattices and show that multivariate ideal lattices are indeed a generalization of them. Based on multivariate ideal lattices, we establish the existence of collision resistant hash functions using Gr\"obner basis techniques. For the construction of hash functions, we define a worst case problem, shortest substitution problem w.r.t. an ideal in $\mathbb{Z}[x1,\ldots, xn]$, and establish hardness results using functional fields.

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