Emergent Mind

Multilevel Network Games

Published Sep 18, 2014 in cs.GT


We consider a multilevel network game, where nodes can improve their communication costs by connecting to a high-speed network. The $n$ nodes are connected by a static network and each node can decide individually to become a gateway to the high-speed network. The goal of a node $v$ is to minimize its private costs, i.e., the sum (SUM-game) or maximum (MAX-game) of communication distances from $v$ to all other nodes plus a fixed price $\alpha > 0$ if it decides to be a gateway. Between gateways the communication distance is $0$, and gateways also improve other nodes' distances by behaving as shortcuts. For the SUM-game, we show that for $\alpha \leq n-1$, the price of anarchy is $\Theta(n/\sqrt{\alpha})$ and in this range equilibria always exist. In range $\alpha \in (n-1,n(n-1))$ the price of anarchy is $\Theta(\sqrt{\alpha})$, and for $\alpha \geq n(n-1)$ it is constant. For the MAX-game, we show that the price of anarchy is either $\Theta(1 + n/\sqrt{\alpha})$, for $\alpha\geq 1$, or else $1$. Given a graph with girth of at least $4\alpha$, equilibria always exist. Concerning the dynamics, both the SUM-game and the MAX-game are not potential games. For the SUM-game, we even show that it is not weakly acyclic.

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