Emergent Mind

Concurrent Tracking of Inliers and Outliers

Published Sep 13, 2014 in cs.CV


In object tracking, outlier is one of primary factors which degrade performance of image-based tracking algorithms. In this respect, therefore, most of the existing methods simply discard detected outliers and pay little or no attention to employing them as an important source of information for motion estimation. We consider outliers as important as inliers for object tracking and propose a motion estimation algorithm based on concurrent tracking of inliers and outliers. Our tracker makes use of pyramidal implementation of the Lucas-Kanade tracker to estimate motion flows of inliers and outliers and final target motion is estimated robustly based on both of these information. Experimental results from challenging benchmark video sequences confirm enhanced tracking performance, showing highly stable target tracking under severe occlusion compared with state-of-the-art algorithms. The proposed algorithm runs at more than 100 frames per second even without using a hardware accelerator, which makes the proposed method more practical and portable.

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