Emergent Mind

Global Convergence of Online Limited Memory BFGS

Published Sep 6, 2014 in math.OC , cs.LG , and stat.ML


Global convergence of an online (stochastic) limited memory version of the Broyden-Fletcher- Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) quasi-Newton method for solving optimization problems with stochastic objectives that arise in large scale machine learning is established. Lower and upper bounds on the Hessian eigenvalues of the sample functions are shown to suffice to guarantee that the curvature approximation matrices have bounded determinants and traces, which, in turn, permits establishing convergence to optimal arguments with probability 1. Numerical experiments on support vector machines with synthetic data showcase reductions in convergence time relative to stochastic gradient descent algorithms as well as reductions in storage and computation relative to other online quasi-Newton methods. Experimental evaluation on a search engine advertising problem corroborates that these advantages also manifest in practical applications.

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