Emergent Mind


This paper investigates how concepts from game theory and ICT can contribute to solve challenges in demand side management, an important concept in the upcoming smart grid. Demand side management is about modifying the energy load distribution on the demand side, for example in order to reduce peaks in energy usage. This can be done by shifting energy demands where possible. We start with describing a number of smart grid concepts and assumptions (smart meters, pricing, appliance scheduling) and explain the advantages demand side management has. After the introduction of game theoretic concepts, it becomes possible to mathematically describe the demand side management problem. Next step is to solve the mathematical formulation, and show how complex demand side management becomes if the number of energy users increases. By means of distributed ICT algorithms however, it is possible to still find a solution. Based on existing literature, different algorithms are studied. Though results in literature looked promising, several conclusions on convergence of the algorithm in general, and convergence towards the most optimal results in particular are challenged.

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