Emergent Mind

Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Quadratic Optimization

Published Aug 31, 2014 in math.OC , cs.IT , cs.NI , and math.IT


The localization problem in a wireless sensor network is to determine the coordination of sensor nodes using the known positions of some nodes (called anchors) and corresponding noisy distance measurements. There is a variety of different approaches to solve this problem such as semi-definite programming (SDP) based, sum of squares and second order cone programming, and between them, SDP-based approaches have shown good performance. In recent years, the primary SDP approach has been investigated and a variety of approaches are proposed in order to enhance its performance. In SDP approaches, errors in approximating the given distances are minimized as an objective function. It is desirable that the distribution of error in these problems would be a delta distribution, which is practically impossible. Therefore, we may approximate delta distribution by Gaussian distribution with very small variance. In this paper, we define a new objective function which makes the error distribution as similar as possible to a Gaussian distribution with a very small variance. Simulation results show that our proposed method has higher accuracy compared to the traditional SDP approach and other prevalent objective functions which are used such as least squares. Our method is also faster than other popular approaches which try to improve the accuracy of the primary SDP approach.

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