Emergent Mind

Interactive Channel Capacity Revisited

Published Aug 7, 2014 in cs.DS , cs.DC , cs.IT , and math.IT


We provide the first capacity approaching coding schemes that robustly simulate any interactive protocol over an adversarial channel that corrupts any $\epsilon$ fraction of the transmitted symbols. Our coding schemes achieve a communication rate of $1 - O(\sqrt{\epsilon \log \log 1/\epsilon})$ over any adversarial channel. This can be improved to $1 - O(\sqrt{\epsilon})$ for random, oblivious, and computationally bounded channels, or if parties have shared randomness unknown to the channel. Surprisingly, these rates exceed the $1 - \Omega(\sqrt{H(\epsilon)}) = 1 - \Omega(\sqrt{\epsilon \log 1/\epsilon})$ interactive channel capacity bound which [Kol and Raz; STOC'13] recently proved for random errors. We conjecture $1 - \Theta(\sqrt{\epsilon \log \log 1/\epsilon})$ and $1 - \Theta(\sqrt{\epsilon})$ to be the optimal rates for their respective settings and therefore to capture the interactive channel capacity for random and adversarial errors. In addition to being very communication efficient, our randomized coding schemes have multiple other advantages. They are computationally efficient, extremely natural, and significantly simpler than prior (non-capacity approaching) schemes. In particular, our protocols do not employ any coding but allow the original protocol to be performed as-is, interspersed only by short exchanges of hash values. When hash values do not match, the parties backtrack. Our approach is, as we feel, by far the simplest and most natural explanation for why and how robust interactive communication in a noisy environment is possible.

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