Emergent Mind

Vertex Fault Tolerant Additive Spanners

Published Aug 2, 2014 in cs.DS


A {\em fault-tolerant} structure for a network is required to continue functioning following the failure of some of the network's edges or vertices. In this paper, we address the problem of designing a {\em fault-tolerant} additive spanner, namely, a subgraph $H$ of the network $G$ such that subsequent to the failure of a single vertex, the surviving part of $H$ still contains an \emph{additive} spanner for (the surviving part of) $G$, satisfying $dist(s,t,H\setminus {v}) \leq dist(s,t,G\setminus {v})+\beta$ for every $s,t,v \in V$. Recently, the problem of constructing fault-tolerant additive spanners resilient to the failure of up to $f$ \emph{edges} has been considered by Braunschvig et. al. The problem of handling \emph{vertex} failures was left open therein. In this paper we develop new techniques for constructing additive FT-spanners overcoming the failure of a single vertex in the graph. Our first result is an FT-spanner with additive stretch $2$ and $\widetilde{O}(n{5/3})$ edges. Our second result is an FT-spanner with additive stretch $6$ and $\widetilde{O}(n{3/2})$ edges. The construction algorithm consists of two main components: (a) constructing an FT-clustering graph and (b) applying a modified path-buying procedure suitably adopted to failure prone settings. Finally, we also describe two constructions for {\em fault-tolerant multi-source additive spanners}, aiming to guarantee a bounded additive stretch following a vertex failure, for every pair of vertices in $S \times V$ for a given subset of sources $S\subseteq V$. The additive stretch bounds of our constructions are 4 and 8 (using a different number of edges).

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