Emergent Mind


We consider the problem of recovering a $K$-sparse complex signal $x$ from $m$ intensity measurements. We propose the PhaseCode algorithm, and show that in the noiseless case, PhaseCode can recover an arbitrarily-close-to-one fraction of the $K$ non-zero signal components using only slightly more than $4K$ measurements when the support of the signal is uniformly random, with order-optimal time and memory complexity of $\Theta(K)$. It is known that the fundamental limit for the number of measurements in compressive phase retrieval problem is $4K - o(K)$ to recover the signal exactly and with no assumptions on its support distribution. This shows that under mild relaxation of the conditions, our algorithm is the first constructive \emph{capacity-approaching} compressive phase retrieval algorithm: in fact, our algorithm is also order-optimal in complexity and memory. Next, motivated by some important practical classes of optical systems, we consider a Fourier-friendly constrained measurement setting, and show that its performance matches that of the unconstrained setting. In the Fourier-friendly setting that we consider, the measurement matrix is constrained to be a cascade of Fourier matrices and diagonal matrices. We further demonstrate how PhaseCode can be robustified to noise. Throughout, we provide extensive simulation results that validate the practical power of our proposed algorithms for the sparse unconstrained and Fourier-friendly measurement settings, for noiseless and noisy scenarios. A key contribution of our work is the novel use of coding-theoretic tools like density evolution methods for the design and analysis of fast and efficient algorithms for compressive phase-retrieval problems.

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