Emergent Mind

Quantifying the Effect of Matrix Structure on Multithreaded Performance of the SpMV Kernel

Published Jul 30, 2014 in cs.DC , cs.NA , and cs.PF


Sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) is the core operation in many common network and graph analytics, but poor performance of the SpMV kernel handicaps these applications. This work quantifies the effect of matrix structure on SpMV performance, using Intel's VTune tool for the Sandy Bridge architecture. Two types of sparse matrices are considered: finite difference (FD) matrices, which are structured, and R-MAT matrices, which are unstructured. Analysis of cache behavior and prefetcher activity reveals that the SpMV kernel performs far worse with R-MAT matrices than with FD matrices, due to the difference in matrix structure. To address the problems caused by unstructured matrices, novel architecture improvements are proposed.

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