Emergent Mind

Efficient Approximation of Channel Capacities

Published Jul 29, 2014 in cs.IT , math.IT , and math.OC


We propose an iterative method for approximately computing the capacity of discrete memoryless channels, possibly under additional constraints on the input distribution. Based on duality of convex programming, we derive explicit upper and lower bounds for the capacity. The presented method requires $O(M2 N \sqrt{\log N}/\varepsilon)$ to provide an estimate of the capacity to within $\varepsilon$, where $N$ and $M$ denote the input and output alphabet size; a single iteration has a complexity $O(M N)$. We also show how to approximately compute the capacity of memoryless channels having a bounded continuous input alphabet and a countable output alphabet under some mild assumptions on the decay rate of the channel's tail. It is shown that discrete-time Poisson channels fall into this problem class. As an example, we compute sharp upper and lower bounds for the capacity of a discrete-time Poisson channel with a peak-power input constraint.

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