Emergent Mind


The formation of sentences is a highly structured and history-dependent process. The probability of using a specific word in a sentence strongly depends on the 'history' of word-usage earlier in that sentence. We study a simple history-dependent model of text generation assuming that the sample-space of word usage reduces along sentence formation, on average. We first show that the model explains the approximate Zipf law found in word frequencies as a direct consequence of sample-space reduction. We then empirically quantify the amount of sample-space reduction in the sentences of ten famous English books, by analysis of corresponding word-transition tables that capture which words can follow any given word in a text. We find a highly nested structure in these transition tables and show that this `nestedness' is tightly related to the power law exponents of the observed word frequency distributions. With the proposed model it is possible to understand that the nestedness of a text can be the origin of the actual scaling exponent, and that deviations from the exact Zipf law can be understood by variations of the degree of nestedness on a book-by-book basis. On a theoretical level we are able to show that in case of weak nesting, Zipf's law breaks down in a fast transition. Unlike previous attempts to understand Zipf's law in language the sample-space reducing model is not based on assumptions of multiplicative, preferential, or self-organised critical mechanisms behind language formation, but simply used the empirically quantifiable parameter 'nestedness' to understand the statistics of word frequencies.

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